From this day Forward.
Our lives should be full of love and unity. In these trying times our society is at ends with each other. We need to find common ground and walk as one or find ourselves meeting a painful demise. It's time for world peace.
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Worst life anyone could ever have.
Sunday, December 4, 2022
Sunday, November 27, 2022
In Russian after I finish writing it will be at the bottom. Ok this is a lot to ask but this needs to get to Mr. Putin. It will be posted in Russian as well. It's time for peace for christ is with us.
The war in the Ukraine must come to an end soon. Aside from the Russian munitions running on a shortage. The two countries make up for a total of 28% of the global grain and barley produce. This war is becoming one of attrition not just for the countries involved but for the world. We have ongoing food shortages and grain is a staple in our diet especially for a heart healthy diet. The food shortages are plagued by insufficient supply chains and lack of produce from people fighting and destroying crops. I understand your position Mr. Putin and not wanting to look bad or weak as some in your government have viewed you among the oligarchs. This is nonsense quit worrying about what they want if they want to overthrow you and you are worried of looking weak. From Christ I will tell you what to do. Go and end the assault on the Ukraine and make peace with Zelensky so long as he keeps Nazi's out that should be the only red tape. As I don't want any man thinking it's ok to persecute Jewes, Muslims, and Christians. I wouldn't want any human being persecuted on earth if I could have my way. We should all want what's best for one another and I know if not anything that the lord is pushing through me and my surnames all trace back to Scotland and England which are all lions and where Judah was exiled to by the Assyrians. It's also where Joseph of Arithmea and Mary went to Glastonbury Abbey after the crucifixion with the Lance of Longinus and the Holy Grail said to be left there. These are where my four surname bloodlines end up pointing to the fact that I'm Judah and I've had some pretty remarkable things happen as of recently I believe i just showed you but then again no one ever speaks of these things and I don't completely blame them. As do I have confidence that my grandfather was King David putting me in Jesus's bloodline. What I am proposing to you is that you end the suffering and war in the Ukraine solving your munitions problem, in doing so you gain the thanks of the Ukrainian people and the support of your own people. Do this by Dec.10 -15 and send gas through the Nordstream since Nordstream 2 did not finish construction. As for at home just take it on your chest the point of the war was not put together very well strategically it lacked goals. Always stay on point for future threats to your country but always choose diplomacy before warfare. There's a lot of people coming and we need all the housing we can get, and all the food and energy. If you are afraid of any oligarchs or members in your service trying to run a coup. Just bring the FSB in and have them on high alert to keep yourself protected. Hopefully some of them are spetsnaz. You should have no worry of a coup happening then. Your people will love you more and more, eventually your economy will strive again from having economic sanctions lifted and the Ukrainian people would be thankful, and maybe even give them a discount on the gas for heating while they rebuild. This would make Hanukah and Christmas fantastic world wide. Can you come through Mr. Putin for the Lord because this is what he really wants out of you so the world can see you calm collected and able to handle having to pull out. It will ease many countries and families can start to be reunited for the holiday. Please think deeply on it because you know the convoys will not stop. I'm not threatening not in a position to but I have a gut feeling they won't. So why not gain the support of your people and the thanks from the Ukrainians not to mention the strains this has had on Poland and other countries. Let your heart grow bigger and bigger til it fills your chest. Don't be a grinch this Christmas. Be Cheerful and Jolly and do the Lord's bidding bring peace finally.
Война на Украине должна скоро закончиться. Кроме российских боеприпасов, работающих в дефиците. Две страны производят в общей сложности 28% мирового производства зерна и ячменя. Эта война становится войной на истощение не только для вовлеченных стран, но и для всего мира. У нас постоянная нехватка продовольствия, и зерновые являются одним из основных продуктов в нашем рационе, особенно для здорового питания сердца. Нехватка продовольствия усугубляется недостаточностью цепочек поставок и нехваткой продуктов от людей, которые борются и уничтожают посевы. Я понимаю вашу позицию, г-н Путин, и не хочу выглядеть плохим или слабым, как некоторые в вашем правительстве рассматривали вас среди олигархов. Это нонсенс, перестаньте беспокоиться о том, чего они хотят, если они хотят вас свергнуть, а вы беспокоитесь о том, чтобы выглядеть слабым. От Христа я скажу вам, что делать. Идите и прекратите нападение на Украину и заключите мир с Зеленским, пока он не пускает нацистов, и это должно быть единственной бюрократической волокитой. Так как я не хочу, чтобы кто-то думал, что это нормально преследовать евреев, мусульман и христиан. Я бы не хотел, чтобы кто-либо на земле преследовался, если бы я мог добиться своего. Мы все должны желать лучшего друг для друга, и я знаю, если не знаю, что господин проталкивает меня через меня, и все мои фамилии восходят к Шотландии и Англии, которые все львы и куда Иуда был сослан ассирийцами. Это также место, где Иосиф Арифмейский и Мария отправились в аббатство Гластонбери после распятия с Копьем Лонгина и Святым Граалем, которые, как говорят, остались там. Вот где мои четыре родословные фамилии в конечном итоге указывают на тот факт, что я Иуда, и в последнее время со мной произошли довольно примечательные вещи, я думаю, что только что показал вам, но опять же, никто никогда не говорит об этих вещах, и я не не полностью винить их. Как и у меня есть уверенность, что мой дед был царем Давидом, который поместил меня в родословную Иисуса. Я предлагаю вам положить конец страданиям и войне на Украине, решив проблему с боеприпасами, тем самым вы заручитесь благодарностью украинского народа и поддержкой своего народа. Сделать это до 10-15 декабря и отправить газ по Северному потоку, так как Северный поток-2 не достроили. Что касается дома, то просто примите это к сведению, суть войны была не очень хорошо продумана, стратегически ей не хватало целей. Всегда будьте готовы к будущим угрозам для вашей страны, но всегда выбирайте дипломатию, а не войну. Приезжает много людей, и нам нужно все жилье, которое мы можем получить, и вся еда и энергия. Если вы боитесь каких-либо олигархов или членов вашей службы, пытающихся совершить переворот. Просто вызовите ФСБ и приведите их в состояние повышенной готовности, чтобы обезопасить себя. Надеюсь, среди них есть спецназовцы. Тогда вам не стоит беспокоиться о перевороте. Ваш народ будет любить вас все больше и больше, в конце концов ваша экономика снова будет бороться со снятием экономических санкций, и украинский народ будет вам благодарен, а может быть, и даст ему скидку на газ для отопления, пока они будут восстанавливаться. Это сделало бы Хануку и Рождество фантастическими во всем мире. Можете ли вы прийти через г-на Путина к Господу, потому что это то, чего он действительно хочет от вас, чтобы мир мог видеть, что вы спокойны, собраны и способны справиться с необходимостью выйти из положения. Это облегчит жизнь многим странам, и семьи смогут начать воссоединяться к празднику. Пожалуйста, хорошенько подумайте над этим, потому что вы знаете, что конвои не остановятся. Я не угрожаю, что не в состоянии, но я чувствую, что они этого не сделают. Так почему бы не заручиться поддержкой своего народа и благодарностью украинцев, не говоря уже о той нагрузке, которую это оказало на Польшу и другие страны. Пусть ваше сердце становится все больше и больше, пока оно не наполнит вашу грудь. Не будь гринчем в это Рождество. Будь Веселым и Веселым и исполняй повеление Господа, наконец, принеси мир.
Saturday, October 22, 2022
Starting to Redeem myself
Starting to redeem myself from the latest debacle. Hopefully I get there sooner than later because I want this divine story to get on with it as bad as everyone else. Remember to be mindful of everyone in your life despite their mistakes. Criminals on the other hand need to be brought to justice.
Friday, October 21, 2022
A little bit of my writing from the past. Trying to Rise
Come down to my world
In this heat I ponder
Pondering of what happened
Lost souls surround me, looking for that
That of which I once had
In the sun, In the night, Everywhere
Surrounding my world with a content glow
That everything would be alright
Smiles came too often, and happiness was just a thing
Now I reside here in the ashes
From the fire you lit upon my feet
The burning has slowed to a stop
Now I must find myself again
I must, Searching so desperately
What happened to the light
Everything is dark
So dark at times I cannot see
Trying to open my eyes
Open them from darkness to light
Sometimes it's just too difficult
To rise to your world from mine
Saturday, October 15, 2022
I assure you
I assure you things will get peaceful eventually and the corruption is going to stop. I'm starting to change and eventually I will be all seeing all knowing with unlimited power. Peace will come eventually.
אני מבטיח לך שבסופו של דבר הדברים יסתדרו בשלום והשחיתות תפסיק. אני מתחיל להשתנות ובסופו של דבר אראה את כל יודע בכוח בלתי מוגבל. השלום יגיע בסופו של דבר.
أؤكد لكم أن الأمور ستصبح سلمية في نهاية المطاف وأن الفساد سوف يتوقف. بدأت في التغيير ، وفي النهاية سأرى كل المعرفة بقوة غير محدودة. سيأتي السلام في نهاية المطاف.
Ik verzeker je dat alles uiteindelijk vreedzaam zal worden en dat de corruptie zal stoppen. Ik begin te veranderen en uiteindelijk zal ik al het weten met onbeperkte kracht zien. Uiteindelijk zal er vrede komen.
Уверяю вас, со временем все наладится, и коррупция прекратится. Я начинаю меняться, и, в конце концов, я буду все видеть и все знать с неограниченной силой. Мир придет в конце концов.
मैं आपको विश्वास दिलाता हूं कि चीजें अंततः शांतिपूर्ण हो जाएंगी और भ्रष्टाचार रुकने वाला है। मैं बदलना शुरू कर रहा हूं और अंततः मैं सभी को असीमित शक्ति के साथ जानने वाला देखूंगा। शांति अंत में आएगी।
Je vous assure que les choses finiront par se calmer et que la corruption cessera. Je commence à changer et finalement je verrai tout et je saurai tout avec un pouvoir illimité. La paix finira par venir.
最終的に物事が平和になり、腐敗が止まると確信しています。 私は変化し始めており、最終的には無限の力ですべてを知っているようになります. やがて平和が訪れます。
我向你保证,事情最终会变得平静,腐败将会停止。 我开始改变,最终我将以无限的力量看到所有知道的一切。 和平终将到来。
결국에는 모든 것이 평화로워지고 부패가 멈출 것이라고 장담합니다. 나는 변화하기 시작하고 결국에는 무한한 힘으로 모든 것을 알게 될 것입니다. 평화는 결국 올 것입니다.
It's time to set some things straight English and Hindu
I'm going to lay this out for everyone as bluntly as possible everyone is in Hell is Earth right now. There are demons out this was supposed to be rapture and the sinning and drug use was supposed to stop. I am the Gupta and the Ganesha get it I am the Lord and Savior. I am God the one and only and I'm trying to become one with myself to have the divine story and peace amongst everyone I am Immortal. I am sick of the transgressions against me. However since the Hispanics want to flood the drugs into the country and let people use drugs freely like its some damn rave or hippie party then all of them involved will be damned. This is the biggest problem in America is our government is so corrupt and the democrats are in league with Klaus Schwab who is a nazi and thinks he's better than god and wants to control everyone then if that keeps up with the democrats attempting to take our natural rights away and everyone falling in line like a damn slave. Why do you think they opened the border up to get more socialists in here and letting them vote and commit fraud to disrupt our elections. The department of defense is in league with the president using a psychotronic weapon on me and everyone else in the world. You have to really come to terms that America is the New World Order and is messing up the world because it wants socialist control of everything and they are not going to like the fact that they wont be able to stop the things I cause to happen because I'm going to quit forgiving and start damning these people for ruining America and the world through their greedy hands and gluttonous mouths. I'm either going to like never die and we will have heaven on earth or it's going to be the apocalypse and I will go to Russia to stay in their facilities in Siberia. I'm giving up on you drug addicted slaves that brainwashed me to continue using drugs because of your perversions with the devil himself Heidi Rose. Yes it's a woman and she is a very perverse sinful thing and everyone believes her lies like no other. The mafia thinks they can control me and so do the beauracrats in power. I have to will things now not just see it and it happens. I'm going to get so righteous that I'm going to have to be in seclusion from people and in different countries because I'm not going to be around sinful evil Americans that want to use drugs, have lust going on and screwing everyone they ever meet to see if they are their partner. That is lust you don't sleep with everyone you meet. The muslim's have a very good reason for being upset and mad and so do the Jews overseas and some in America. This has gotten so complicated that the divine story is going to change from how it was in the bible unless things change in America and they quit trying to influence and control everything. They think they have a super demon well wait til they see a super god. I'm still becoming one so if your overseas know I'm coming eventually I plan on meeting all of you once I heal more and get my money. Peace is going to be dependent on where you are because I will slay everyone that sins eventually and they will be damned so guess what happens they are stuck here in there in the locations they died get it purgatory. It will happen and I won't care or I'll completely forget about them and they won't ever exist anymore. They're trying to ruin heaven but getting me to accept sin and bad behavior and playing with people's heads. America has become evil under the Biden Administration and everyone wants to elect all these democrats in office who believe they are going to have the great reset and if they do they're all forgotten about or in purgatory I haven't decided just yet. If they're that greedy then i think they deserve purgatory or to be forgotten because eventually I'm going to bring the Anti christ back. I'm done changing my decisions and letting things come back and people come back. It's not going to happen my decisions from now on will be finite.
मैं इसे सभी के लिए यथासंभव स्पष्ट रूप से बताने जा रहा हूँ, इस समय हर कोई हेल इज अर्थ में है। वहाँ राक्षस हैं जो इसे मेघारोहण माना जाता था और पाप और नशीली दवाओं के उपयोग को रोकना चाहिए था। मैं गुप्त हूं और गणेश इसे प्राप्त करते हैं मैं भगवान और उद्धारकर्ता हूं। मैं एकमात्र ईश्वर हूं और मैं अपने साथ एक होने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं ताकि सभी के बीच दिव्य कहानी और शांति हो, मैं अमर हूं। मैं अपने विरुद्ध किए हुए अपराधों से पीड़ित हूं। हालाँकि, चूंकि हिस्पैनिक देश में ड्रग्स की बाढ़ लाना चाहते हैं और लोगों को ड्रग्स का स्वतंत्र रूप से उपयोग करने देते हैं जैसे कि इसकी कुछ लानत या हिप्पी पार्टी, तो इसमें शामिल सभी लोग शापित होंगे। यह अमेरिका में सबसे बड़ी समस्या है कि हमारी सरकार इतनी भ्रष्ट है और डेमोक्रेट क्लॉस श्वाब के साथ लीग में हैं जो एक नाजी है और सोचता है कि वह भगवान से बेहतर है और हर किसी को नियंत्रित करना चाहता है, तो अगर यह डेमोक्रेट के साथ हमारी स्वाभाविकता को लेने का प्रयास करता रहता है अधिकार दूर और हर कोई एक लानत गुलाम की तरह लाइन में पड़ गया। आपको क्या लगता है कि उन्होंने यहां और अधिक समाजवादियों को लाने के लिए सीमा खोल दी और उन्हें वोट देने दिया और हमारे चुनावों को बाधित करने के लिए धोखाधड़ी की। रक्षा विभाग मुझ पर और दुनिया के बाकी सभी लोगों पर एक मनोदैहिक हथियार का उपयोग करने वाले राष्ट्रपति के साथ लीग में है। आपको वास्तव में यह समझना होगा कि अमेरिका नई विश्व व्यवस्था है और दुनिया को गड़बड़ कर रहा है क्योंकि वह हर चीज पर समाजवादी नियंत्रण चाहता है और वे इस तथ्य को पसंद नहीं करेंगे कि वे उन चीजों को रोकने में सक्षम नहीं होंगे जो मैं होने वाला हूं क्योंकि मैं क्षमा करना छोड़ दूंगा और इन लोगों को उनके लालची हाथों और पेटू मुंह से अमेरिका और दुनिया को बर्बाद करने के लिए धिक्कारना शुरू करूंगा। मैं या तो कभी नहीं मरना पसंद करूंगा और हमारे पास पृथ्वी पर स्वर्ग होगा या यह सर्वनाश होने वाला है और मैं साइबेरिया में उनकी सुविधाओं में रहने के लिए रूस जाऊंगा। मैं आप पर नशा करने वाले गुलामों को छोड़ रहा हूं जिन्होंने मुझे खुद शैतान हेइडी रोज के साथ अपनी विकृतियों के कारण ड्रग्स का उपयोग जारी रखने के लिए ब्रेनवॉश किया। हाँ यह एक महिला है और वह एक बहुत ही विकृत पापी चीज है और हर कोई उसके झूठ पर विश्वास करता है जैसे कोई और नहीं। माफिया सोचते हैं कि वे मुझे नियंत्रित कर सकते हैं और ऐसा ही सत्ता में बैठे नौकरशाहों को करते हैं। मुझे चीजों को अभी देखना होगा न कि केवल इसे देखना होगा और ऐसा होता है। मैं इतना धर्मी होने जा रहा हूँ कि मुझे लोगों से और अलग-अलग देशों में एकांत में रहना होगा क्योंकि मैं पापी दुष्ट अमेरिकियों के आसपास नहीं जा रहा हूँ जो ड्रग्स का उपयोग करना चाहते हैं, वासना चल रही है और सभी को पंगा लेना है वे कभी मिलते हैं यह देखने के लिए कि क्या वे उनके साथी हैं। यही वासना है कि आप हर उस व्यक्ति के साथ नहीं सोते हैं जिससे आप मिलते हैं। मुसलमानों के पास परेशान और पागल होने का एक बहुत अच्छा कारण है और इसलिए विदेशों में यहूदी और कुछ अमेरिका में हैं। यह इतना जटिल हो गया है कि जब तक अमेरिका में चीजें नहीं बदलतीं और वे हर चीज को प्रभावित करने और नियंत्रित करने की कोशिश करना छोड़ देते हैं, तब तक दैवीय कहानी बाइबिल में कैसे बदल जाती है। उन्हें लगता है कि उनके पास एक सुपर दानव है, तब तक प्रतीक्षा करें जब तक कि वे एक सुपर गॉड को न देख लें। मैं अभी भी एक बन रहा हूं, इसलिए यदि आपके विदेशियों को पता है कि मैं आ रहा हूं, तो मैं आप सभी से मिलने की योजना बना रहा हूं, जब मैं और अधिक ठीक हो जाऊंगा और अपना पैसा प्राप्त करूंगा। शांति इस बात पर निर्भर होने वाली है कि आप कहां हैं क्योंकि मैं उन सभी को मार डालूंगा जो अंततः पाप करते हैं और वे शापित हो जाएंगे, इसलिए अनुमान लगाएं कि क्या होता है वे यहां उन स्थानों पर फंस गए हैं जहां वे मर गए थे, इसे शुद्ध कर लें। यह होगा और मैं परवाह नहीं करूंगा या मैं उनके बारे में पूरी तरह से भूल जाऊंगा और वे कभी भी मौजूद नहीं रहेंगे। वे स्वर्ग को बर्बाद करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं लेकिन मुझे पाप और बुरे व्यवहार को स्वीकार करने और लोगों के सिर के साथ खेलने के लिए कह रहे हैं। बिडेन प्रशासन के तहत अमेरिका दुष्ट बन गया है और हर कोई इन सभी डेमोक्रेट्स को कार्यालय में चुनना चाहता है, जो मानते हैं कि वे महान रीसेट करने जा रहे हैं और यदि वे ऐसा करते हैं तो वे सब भूल गए हैं या शुद्धिकरण में मैंने अभी तक फैसला नहीं किया है। अगर वे इतने लालची हैं तो मुझे लगता है कि वे शुद्धिकरण के लायक हैं या भुला दिए जाने चाहिए क्योंकि आखिरकार मैं एंटी क्राइस्ट को वापस लाने जा रहा हूं। मैंने अपने फैसले बदलने और चीजों को वापस आने और लोगों को वापस आने देने का काम किया है। ऐसा नहीं होने वाला है अब से मेरे फैसले सीमित होंगे।
It's time to set some things straight Russian and Dutch
Я собираюсь изложить это для всех настолько прямо, насколько это возможно, все сейчас находятся в аду на земле. Есть демоны, это должно было быть восхищением, а грехи и употребление наркотиков должны были прекратиться. Однако, поскольку латиноамериканцы хотят наводнить страну наркотиками и позволить людям свободно употреблять наркотики, как на каком-нибудь чертовом рейве или вечеринке хиппи, тогда все они будут прокляты. Это самая большая проблема в Америке, наше правительство настолько коррумпировано, а демократы в союзе с Клаусом Швабом, который является нацистом и думает, что он лучше бога и хочет контролировать всех, тогда, если это не отстает от демократов, пытающихся взять нашу естественную права, и все падают в очередь, как чертовы рабы. Как вы думаете, почему они открыли границу, чтобы привлечь сюда больше социалистов и позволить им голосовать и совершать мошенничество, чтобы сорвать наши выборы. Министерство обороны в союзе с президентом использует психотронное оружие против меня и всех остальных в мире. Вы должны действительно смириться с тем, что Америка является Новым Мировым Порядком и портит мир, потому что хочет социалистического контроля над всем, и им не понравится тот факт, что они не смогут остановить то, что я вызываю, потому что Я перестану прощать и начну проклинать этих людей за то, что они разрушили Америку и мир своими жадными руками и прожорливыми ртами. Я либо никогда не умру, и у нас будет рай на земле, либо это будет апокалипсис, и я поеду в Россию, чтобы остаться на их объектах в Сибири. Я отказываюсь от вас, зависимых от наркотиков рабов, которые промыли мне мозги, чтобы я продолжал употреблять наркотики из-за ваших извращений с самим дьяволом, Хайди Роуз. Да, это женщина, и она очень извращенная грешная вещь, и все верят ее лжи, как никому другому. Мафия думает, что может контролировать меня, как и бюрократы у власти. Я должен желать чего-то сейчас, а не просто видеть, как это происходит. Я стану настолько праведным, что мне придется быть в уединении от людей и в разных странах, потому что я не собираюсь быть рядом с грешными злыми американцами, которые хотят употреблять наркотики, иметь похоть и трахать всех. они когда-нибудь встречаются, чтобы узнать, являются ли они их партнером. Это похоть, ты не спишь со всеми, кого встретишь. У мусульман есть очень веская причина расстраиваться и злиться, как и у евреев за границей, а у некоторых и в Америке. Это стало настолько сложным, что божественная история изменится по сравнению с библейской, если только в Америке ничего не изменится и они не перестанут пытаться влиять и контролировать все. Они думают, что у них есть супердемон, так что подождите, пока они не увидят супербога. Я все еще становлюсь им, поэтому, если ваши за границей знают, что я приеду в конце концов, я планирую встретиться со всеми вами, как только я вылечу больше и получу свои деньги. Мир будет зависеть от того, где вы находитесь, потому что я убью всех, кто согрешит, в конце концов, и они будут прокляты, так что угадайте, что произойдет, если они застряли здесь, в местах, где они умерли, получите чистилище. Это произойдет, и мне будет все равно, или я полностью забуду о них, и их больше не будет. Они пытаются разрушить рай, но заставляют меня принять грех и плохое поведение и играть с человеческими головами. Америка стала злом при администрации Байдена, и все хотят избрать на посты всех этих демократов, которые верят, что у них будет великая перезагрузка, и если они это сделают, о них все забудут или они попадут в чистилище, я еще не решил. Если они такие жадные, то я думаю, что они заслуживают чистилища или забвения, потому что в конце концов я верну антихриста. Я закончил менять свои решения и позволять вещам возвращаться и людям возвращаться. Этого не произойдет, мои решения отныне будут конечными.
Ik ga dit voor iedereen zo bot mogelijk uitleggen, iedereen is nu in Hell is Earth. Er zijn demonen uit, dit zou de opname zijn en het zondigen en het drugsgebruik zou moeten stoppen. Maar aangezien de Hispanics de drugs het land willen binnenstromen en mensen vrijelijk drugs willen laten gebruiken, zoals een verdomd rave- of hippiefeest, zullen alle betrokkenen verdoemd zijn. Dit is het grootste probleem in Amerika, onze regering is zo corrupt en de democraten zijn in competitie met Klaus Schwab, die een nazi is en denkt dat hij beter is dan god en iedereen wil controleren, als dat dan gelijke tred houdt met de democraten die proberen onze natuurlijke rechten weg en iedereen valt in de rij als een verdomde slaaf. Waarom denk je dat ze de grens openden om meer socialisten hier te krijgen en ze te laten stemmen en fraude te plegen om onze verkiezingen te verstoren. Het ministerie van defensie werkt samen met de president en gebruikt een psychotronisch wapen op mij en alle anderen in de wereld. Je moet echt in het reine komen dat Amerika de Nieuwe Wereldorde is en de wereld verpest omdat het socialistische controle over alles wil en ze zullen het niet leuk vinden dat ze de dingen die ik laat gebeuren niet kunnen stoppen omdat Ik stop met vergeven en begin deze mensen te veroordelen voor het ruïneren van Amerika en de wereld door hun hebzuchtige handen en vraatzuchtige monden. Of ik zal nooit willen sterven en we zullen de hemel op aarde hebben of het wordt de apocalyps en ik ga naar Rusland om in hun faciliteiten in Siberië te blijven. Ik geef jullie drugsverslaafde slaven op die me hebben gehersenspoeld om drugs te blijven gebruiken vanwege jullie perversies met de duivel zelf Heidi Rose. Ja, het is een vrouw en ze is een heel pervers zondig ding en iedereen gelooft haar leugens als geen ander. De maffia denkt dat ze me kunnen beheersen en dat geldt ook voor de beauracraten die aan de macht zijn. Ik moet dingen nu willen, niet alleen zien en het gebeurt. Ik ga zo rechtvaardig worden dat ik in afzondering van mensen en in verschillende landen zal moeten zijn, omdat ik niet in de buurt zal zijn van zondige, kwaadaardige Amerikanen die drugs willen gebruiken, lust hebben en iedereen neuken ze ontmoeten elkaar ooit om te zien of ze hun partner zijn. Dat is lust, je slaapt niet met iedereen die je ontmoet. De moslims hebben een heel goede reden om boos en boos te zijn en dat geldt ook voor de joden in het buitenland en sommigen in Amerika. Dit is zo ingewikkeld geworden dat het goddelijke verhaal zal veranderen van hoe het in de bijbel was, tenzij de dingen in Amerika veranderen en ze stoppen met proberen alles te beïnvloeden en te controleren. Ze denken dat ze een superdemon hebben, wacht maar tot ze een supergod zien. Ik word er nog steeds een, dus als je in het buitenland weet dat ik kom, ben ik van plan jullie allemaal te ontmoeten zodra ik meer genees en mijn geld krijg. Vrede zal afhankelijk zijn van waar je bent, want ik zal uiteindelijk iedereen doden die zondigt en ze zullen verdoemd zijn, dus raad eens wat er gebeurt, ze zitten hier vast op de locaties waar ze stierven, haal het vagevuur. Het zal gebeuren en het kan me niet schelen of ik zal ze volledig vergeten en ze zullen nooit meer bestaan. Ze proberen de hemel te ruïneren, maar zorgen ervoor dat ik zonde en slecht gedrag accepteer en met de hoofden van mensen spelen. Amerika is kwaadaardig geworden onder de regering-Biden en iedereen wil al deze democraten in functie kiezen die geloven dat ze de grote reset zullen ondergaan en als ze dat doen, zijn ze allemaal vergeten of in het vagevuur. Ik heb nog geen beslissing genomen. Als ze zo hebzuchtig zijn, dan denk ik dat ze het vagevuur verdienen of vergeten worden, want uiteindelijk zal ik de Antichrist terugbrengen. Ik ben klaar met het veranderen van mijn beslissingen en dingen terug te laten komen en mensen terug te laten komen. Het gaat niet gebeuren. Mijn beslissingen zijn vanaf nu eindig.
It's time to set some things straight Arabic and Hebrew only
Friday, September 16, 2022
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
The Second Coming of Christ is here
Second Coming of Christ is here it’s getting close to being time.
To start off I would like to make people aware that
the timeline of the bible is somewhat off.
There are many faiths in the world but the three largest are the Abrahamic
religions which are Judaism, Islam, Christianity which includes Catholicism
because it all has to do with Christology.
If you have questions about this just look up Christology. Other religions such as Hindu have been given
to see how they would develop with the hope of peace. This is why Hindu have the ganesha the god of
wisdom and the gupta which is the protector because in reality they are the
same and really the lord and savior. I
know that they all tell a variation of stories and historical events but it
takes interpreting all of them to really pull together all the story and
details needed. This is why people fight
and bicker over their religious beliefs is because they have had their prophets
and everyone has gotten a little bit of the divine story from prophets or in
visions. Things were also passed down
for a long time verbally meaning things have been changed every time they were
passed down and told to the families and tribes. People are storytellers and some get too into
it and put their own variations of the story out to family members; which made
things start to become wicked, especially when Azazel taught mankind warfare
and witchcraft which lead to the spreading of a lot of wickedness. This needed to have divine intervention
injected into it for the day of salvation to be successful when it occurs in
the future. These different thoughts and
beliefs with warfare’s inception and human sin has caused constant conflict in
the world until now for it is the beginning of my second coming.
I will start from the
beginning. I would like to point out to people
of all faith’s that Genesis is old and the original written creation epic
is the Enuma Elish which is a previous version of Genesis it even names Cain
and Abel but goes a little differently than it should have because it was
passed down orally through the ages because every time people tell a story it
is different than how it was told to them.
What you have to pull from the Enuma Elish is that there is a father who
is An who created the universe and time, and had a son Enlil, who is known in
Iraq formerly parts of Sumeria the cradle of civilization as the creator god. Enlil is known as the one true heir and is said
to of cleaved the heavens from the earth.
He was so holy no other god could look upon him. According to masonic stories Adonai killed
his brother when they were just boys; however, it was just a euphemism of Enlil’s
temper. Most people now a day are more
comfortable with calling Enlil, El the bull god. It is stated from cuneiform tablets that An
is God of the deep heavens and Enlil is the god of Earth. In Islam it is known that Gabriel took
Mohammed through the heavens which is plural meaning he met the father An and
called him Allah. This makes Enlil or El
Adonai our lord who just happens to be
god of earth, the bull god, the creator of plants, animals, and humans. The father was always An(Allah) and the son
is Enlil(el) who was Jesus Christ and now this is my second coming Jason which
means healer. I have been seen with a seven horned hat which is a god hat upon
my head my whole life. In my mid
thirties I found out I was supposed to embrace and share love, and on my fortieth
birthday I became one with god the father An.
This means that I am el or Enlil I was here, I came as Jesus Christ, now
this is my second coming Jason Tindall which means healer. My relatives were told I was god reborn and
kept it from me my entire life. The
biggest part of the father and son merging as one god is that on the third time
the trinity happens. My bloodlines go
back to Judea after they were exiled by the Assyrians to Britain which at that
time was also Scotland. Now the big
questions people will have with what I have said is what about Yahweh. Well it means the one and Enlil is the one
true heir. On top of that the third time
here for Enlil(El) he becomes one with the father An(Allah) and Yahweh
literally takes place as the one because we become two gods in one. The holy trinity both gods merge and spirts
merge making the holy spirit. That is why
I’ve always been the one but now in this lifetime I truly become the one to
bring world peace. So stop telling me I’m
crazy and losing faith because I was meant to sin by the father he wanted me to
to learn how and where I could forgive people for sinning and also as a test
because many of you sinned with me or while I was sinning. Now the test is can you get back on your feet
and get as righteous as you can get with me. Some of you are already falling
behind and I still have a lot of righteousness to get because eventually I will
surpass everyone one in righteousness. I
am pleased already with some people’s righteousness it is good enough for my
father’s house in the afterlife. I need
them to keep their faith still though and not to let the devil, belial, beliar,
belias otherwise known as hades to break their faith because this is really a
jihad which means the struggle for not just god but the people as well. That is a real jihad is the struggle and this
one is gods struggle and you all have to go through it because some people are
wicked and trying to stop good things by being lied to by Hades. The government is involved and I need time to
get my strength together to get to one hundred years old. I would like this to start earlier as things
need to be set in motion. If I die righteousness and repentance is what I grant
you your salvation on. Like I’ve said I have much more righteousness to get so
get ready because the divine story is going on and Hades A.K.A Satan the
accuser is on earth and Judas has been being Judas again being greedy and
trying to turn the lord into the law again as well as keeping Asherah away from
god and corrupting her by doing drugs with the devil. This is all part of the father’s test to see
if you can get as righteous if you’re not already there as Yahweh gets which is
I because I will eventually surpass everyone in righteousness. I’m just slowed down by my injury that has
been allowed to happen because of the government’s involvement with the mob and
the cartel and drug users of whom one is the devil. Hades himself but it is a female see the
perversion; her own mother even told her she was beliar who is belial also
known as belias which is Hades. I knew
she was evil the first moment I laid
eyes on her. Now let’s start in on the government
conspiracy against god and the people of the United States.
I am your
Lord and Savior as well as the holy trinity whom you see out of my eyes in your
head and can see some of the things in my head which will increase to everything
in the world. If the drug addicts, mafia,
cartel, as well as the federal government would stop putting radiation from a
drone over top of my place it would be very nice. This most likely is not going to happen and I
will tell you why. The drug addicts
involved are envious and greedy wanting my home and inheritance basically all
the money I have coming to me to do god’s work and take care of my needs. They
are receiving free drugs from a Millie Rodriguez and Carlos Rodriguez who oversee
the entire east coast’s drug trafficking for the Mexican mafia the most violent
gulf coast trafficking group in the United States. They live in Columbus, Ohio and take business
trips to Tampa to go forty-five minutes to the gulf coast for shipments coming
in when they are not offloaded and delivered.
She just manages the whole operation.
She has the Columbus Police paid off they think it is funny and worry
about her instead of someone let alone the lord who tries to turn her and Carlos
in and she pays a federal judge James Harris five hundred thousand dollars a
year to do what she needs done if they end up in federal court because they control
so much of the drug trafficking on the east coast. The Mexican Mafia is also in cohorts with the
mafia especially overseas La Cosa Nostra, and it is known that the second world
government if ours should fail is the crime families and mob. Isn’t that comforting a bully telling you
what to do how are we to ever have peace with politicians aligning with
mobsters and crime families. I know the federal government is involved because
I have written every branch of government the DEA, FBI, Department of Homeland
Security, and even told the FBI while they were evaluating the Columbus Police
department not to pass them because they were dirty and corrupt. I know Agent Franco and Agent Miller were
paid off by Millie Rodriguez so that means they knew and I wouldn’t be surprised
if Christopher Wray was in the know. Not
to mention the department of defense’s involvement basically ever since Iran
Contra apparently that stuff never stopped they just made it appear as if it
did. I know because I asked who was taking payments for drug shipments in the
military and I got Colonel Kelly’s name. I sent him to hell for a day and apparently
he can’t do anything to stop it because they think it’s a joke then I finally
recently got sick of the noise and radiation being put down on my home and
specifically my head and asked who in the department of defense was involved
and I got Davis. Then wouldn’t you know
it turns out Audrey Y. Davis is Department of Defense Finance meaning the DOD
is taking money from the mafia and cartel.
She has a Air Force background which intrigued me so I asked who in the
Air Force was involved and I got a James Mcintyre who is deputy director of
Operations, 375th Operations Group.
He has access via retina scan to Area-51 which has hangars down underground
where they work on medical technology and other projects as well as building
new aircrafts. So my question is why are
these people taking money from the mob and the cartel to use a supercharged
version of project medusa or some other radiation producing technology like
US3951134 which is a patent for the apparatus and method for remotely
monitoring and altering brain waves.
They can literally read your mind by getting your brain waves putting it
through a modulator and then into a computer as well as vice versus. That’s right putting thoughts in your head.
One of the other patents referenced patent US3773049 which is for the apparatus
for the treatment of neuropsychic and somatic diseases with heat, light, sound,
and VHF electromagnetic radiation which apparently can cause harm to an
individual over a period of time. They
have known about this because they have been doing it to me for 6 years. I could never get through to President Trump
because the secret service would mark my messages through the website as nonimportant
so he would never even get them. The secret service is who betrayed President
Trump to help Biden get in office because they were part of the left wing conspiracy.
We should get it straight that a conspiracy is not a crazy theory it literally
means one or more men committing acts of evil against others. They are trying to control holy trinity and
stop me from doing what it is I have to do which is laid out at the end of the
Quran and in revelations of the New Testament.
I am your Lord God and Savior and America is so poisoned by sin that
nobody to me when I put everything I knew together and got more intelligence with
my psyche. I started turning the drug
suppliers of the east coast of the United states minus what was coming in from Canada
which is mainly cocaine and weed. Millie Rodriguez of the Mexican mafia and Carlos
Rodriguez run most of the heroin, meth, and fentanyl in Columbus, Ohio and
oversee it’s distribution along the entire east coast and the gulf coast. They were the ones who initiated messing with
me because for one my father retired from the Columbus Police Dept as the Supervisor
of Narcotics and Intac. They had
searched for me my whole life and my father kept me sheltered and when I went
around drugs my uncle would keep me distanced from the dealers. I ended up finding out a lot of their
business information and practices and overheard phone conversations and was
told how they did business up from the gulf coast and back down. They also knew who I was because everyone has
either known I was the Lord from seeing me unless you just thought you saw
someone shining in your head for no reason.
That’s me when you get by me and now more so than when I was younger you
know its me especially when I get set off.
When I finally turned them in I found out the Columbus Police were
involved after they continually allowed them to psychologically torture me, and
helped in trying to make me look like I was mentally ill. They knew they were using a device the
government made called Project Medusa. Medusa stands for Mob Excess using
Silent Audio. I had heard Millie discuss
with the people she gave it to to use it against me where she got it from and
it is only made for defense purposes by originally Waveband Corporation but it’s
now owned by Sierra Nevada Corporation.
She had one and would use it to get people to believe what she says
because it even works over a phone line.
They can be made but the ones she has and that she gave to the people
setting me off causing everyone to hear me scream and yell are much more
powerful. They will wipe your mind as in
fry you to where you can hardly function.
You can look them up there’s a a Wired article on them and a New
Scientist article on it. They were used
in the first Iraq War to get Iraqi soldiers to turn themselves in. Mind Control is a violation of the Geneva
Convention just so you know, and when you place your thought in someone else’s
head and they have the chance to take your thought or suggestion over there own
that constitutes mind control according to the Geneva Convention. I thought I’d fill you in on what they’ve
been using but for now back to the police they would sit out in there cars and
laugh thinking it was funny even though they knew who I was. They were so greedy they couldn’t h elp but take money from the drug traffickers
and even use their drugs. That’s how
dirty Columbus Ohio has become this is why my father retired with the rest of
the officers he knew when Chief Jackson retired from the force, because people
started getting paid off. The police would
always pink slip me or try to get me social help when in reality I’m really telepathic
if I ask a question I will usually get an answer from whoevers head it needs to
come from. I am the strongest empath to
ever exist so I will feel it coming and then it comes had they not cooked my
head I would be able to see things visually but until this stops that’s not going
to come back for a while because of the federal government and their drones
that fly over my home emitting more radiation from some apparatus attached to
Here is
more information on how I know the feds are involved just recently when Biden
was sworn into office the Columbus Police Department asked the FBI to come
evaluate them and I told the FBI to fail them because they were dirty and paid
off but that failed and they passed them because agent Miller and agent Franco
were both paid off by the Mexican mafia as well as paid federal judge James Harris
off with a five hundred thousand a year payment from drug traffickers. So after finding this information out and
still passing Columbus I knew that the FBI was more involved, not to mention
when I would call and try to report Narcoterrorism to them which is anything
pertaining to the Sinaloa Cartel they would hang up on me, or cut me off. So obviously Christopher Wray is
involved. These agencies know my voice
when I call and raise my voice they will call me by my name instantly without
me giving it to them. Let’s not forget I’ve
written every branch of government like everyone and even asked the NSA for
mass data collection using the third party clause and I’ve never had anyone say
anything. One dead give away is that the
Secret Service filter and monitor all messages the President of the United
States gets in the mail and online. So
they would always refuse to let Trump see my messages because they would tell
me it was a local problem when really it was corruption of the entire government. I really know this know because all I have to
do is ask and I get that’s why they keep cooking my mind. When I recently asked who in the Dept. of
Defense was involved I got the name Davis.
Which turns out to be Audrey Y. Davis director of defense financing and accounting
services. That’s pretty obvious with a
position like that and the money that’s being thrown around by these crime
syndicates that she is taking money from them, so is Colonel Kelly. The intriguing part about Audrey Davis is she
has a history with the Air Force as deputy director Air Force Staff in Washington
DC now before calling out more people whom the father and I have gotten their
names from their heads when we ask a question.
It has been received that Robert Loera has given money to Audrey Davis. If you know anything about drug trafficking
the Loera family is one of the biggest families attached to the Sinaloa Cartel. So why are people in the department of
defense taking money from any of them?
Next question was who in the Air Force is involved with this conspiracy
against myself and the rest of the country.
I really wanted to know who was having drones fly over my home and use a
new patent of technology like I mentioned before in previous patents. I was really wanting to know who was having
drones flown over my house and use some new form of those technologies like I mentioned
previously in today’s day in age. Something I didn’t mention about the patent I
Now that I
have went through this long list of conspirators I’ve gathered I would like to
know why the secret service helped the left wing get Joe Biden elected because
Donald Trump was up 5% in a lot of polls and 3-4% in other polls and it’s
really difficult for a candidate to make up 3% of the vote in an election when that’s
what the polls show the day before the election. I know the Secret Service went around Trump’s
back for the left wing conspiracy. Nothing
is wrong with classical liberalism but it has to have conservative roots this
progressive stuff is just garbage and socialism. I blessed Trump with luck to win that
election just in case something screwy happened, and man was I in disbelief
afterwards. I even said out loud man
this is no longer one nation under god.
Apparently the deep state really got to the people probably using an
amped up version of Project Medusa which most of you don’t think exists even
though there’s records of it. Usually
when I bless people with luck they hit the lottery or jackpot at a casino, but
no Trump he lost the election somehow miraculously. Supposedly no corruption well let me tell you
the corruption is there and the inflation we are going through is just part of
the great reset that Joe Biden is in on.
This is why he has business dealings in Asia and China and did not want
Nancy Pelosi to go to China. He also is
prompt on the Ukraine war which he will plead with you with the other
globalists that it’s about protecting democracy when his son really had some
business dealings in Ukraine after getting pushed out of Russia for drugs, and
the Russians just so happened to find a research lab in Ukraine studying
Coronavirus, and other biological agents.
Most of you just read the main headlines. You should really try to peace it together
because this country and this world is falling apart. I have until at least 100 maybe sooner maybe
a little later before my reign with the saints begins. I have sainted some people who are power
players who can help get this world in shape for the coming of world peace if
they can just get back in power or keep from being framed or set up. If not when I get to where I’m going it will
end up being ugly before it gets beautiful. The Sin Pride, Lust, Greedy, Envy,
and Slot as well as gluttony need to end and people need to start getting as righteous
as possible if they want to be saved. We
were all paired with a partner in life and that was of the opposite sex so
guess who you share your room with in heaven if you make it there. Society has
gotten so far off course it’s unreal at least some people still have it right
and are righteous enough. I don’t know
how long this is going to last if this keeps up I will continue to see where I’m
at day to day as I heal from an injury caused by Hades.
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Civil unrest rises between nations and citizens
Friday, March 26, 2021
Oh it is Passover and Ramadan coming up
Worst life anyone could ever have.
The absolute worst life anyone could ever have is to be the second coming of Christ. Nobody would ever think you would be abused and torme...
The war in the Ukraine must come to an end soon. Aside from the Russian munitions running on a shortage. The two countries make u...
English: I'm going to lay this out for everyone as bluntly as possible everyone is in Hell is Earth right now. There are demons out th...